Sujith's Blog

Running Background process in remote server using ssh

If you are handling remote server using ssh, you may require this. Last week I was trying to run my meteor application on the server using ssh. I started the meteor app on the server using ssh. But when I logged out from the ssh console, the meteor app stopped. I wanted a solution to run a background process in the server. So that the process I started won’t exit even If I logged out from the ssh console. The following commands worked:

First, I started the process(for me its my meteor app) as background process using & at the end of command as shown below:

	$ meteor -p 4040 >> ~/myapp.log &

Then I got the output with the processId, like this:

	$ meteor -p 4040 >> ~/myapp.log &
	[1] 11436

which shows two things [1] is the job-number for the background job and the 11436 is the pID for that particular job

Now use the $ bg command to move the job to background, bg resumes the suspended process in the background.

Now use disown command to remove the process from job table, so that the process will be running in the background even when we logged out from the ssh console.

	$ disown %1

The %1 is the job number to be removed from the job table, which we can get either from the output of the first command or you can use the $ jobs command to find the job number. which lists the status of all running jobs with their job number.

How to find which process is using a particular port on Ubuntu

There are situations in which we will get this error message.

the port is already in use 

This occurs when we are trying to install or execute something, and after some searching I found the following commands, to find the process which uses a particular port. I am adding the commands to kill that (if required), most of the time I do so.

So open a terminal window by pressing ctrl + alt + t .

These are the commands to find which process is using port 3000 .

$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 3000

Netstat is a command-line tool that displays network connections for the Transmission Control Protocol, routing tables, and a number of network interface and network protocol statistics.

The above command may ask you for administrator password. It gave me this output.

$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 3000	
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      19911/node

The options used with netstat are:

	t : Display tcp connections.
	u : Display udp connections.
	p : Display the process using the socket.
	n : Display the addresses and ports in numeric form.

A node server script is running with PID 19911 , to kill that I use :

$ sudo kill 19911 

So port 3000 on my system is free now :)

Blogging Using Markdown and Text-editor

This post is about how I started blogging using my favourite text-editor and Markdown. Earlier I was using the Blogger and Wordpress. But it is very difficult to edit on WYSIWYG editor. Especially when you are adding code-snippet or commands.

Finally I got Poole, which is a butler for Jekyll. Jekyll is a static site generator, an open-source tool for creating simple yet powerful websites of all shapes and sizes.

This is what I did.

Since github provides free hosting for sites developed in Jekyll, as github pages at As a first step to create github page, I just created a repo with <my-github-username> here.

Then cloned the repo to my system, and downloaded the Lanyon Poole theme from here. Extracted the Lanyon files to my repo ~/ Then pushed the changes to my repo, after sometime my github page was up and running

It was the default data provided by Poole. After reading this tutorial for several minutes. I have changed some basic configurations like Title,Author Name,etc. And started writing this post using my Sublime-text.
